June 2006 Here she is, the next Canadian Idol, the one and only Princess Peanut Butter! And yes, as soon as she was home from the groomers she was back looking for some mud in the garden (I use the word garden loosely). I have included a before picture, so you can see Noli as you remember her, and…
September 2006 Hello everyone at Pomeranian and Small Breed Rescue! Our family just wanted to drop a quick note to thank you, all of you, for making our adoption of Foxy so wonderful. It was extra long process for us but well worth the wait. We adopted a tricoloured male Pomeranian who was fostered by…
July 2007 Hi Everyone, I don’t know if you remember me or not, but it’s me … Cody!!! My mommy was looking at the website, and she came across my picture, and I thought I would send you a quick email to say a big puppy “Thank You” again. Everything is going great in my life!…
December 2006 Just a quick note from Hugo aka Donnie. Just wanted to let you know that all is well with me and my new furever mommy. We have had a few problems getting my sweater on and off. I’ve had to give her sweater training 101. She is very eager to please me and this makes…
February 2006 Just a quick message to let you know that we have fallen in love with Mikey. He knows all his commands and is so obedient when he sits, stays and lies down for sleep. We decided not to let him sleep in bed with us but he sleeps right beside the bed. He…
February 2008 Hello Pomeranian and Small Breed Rescue: I just want to send you an email for an update. I adopted BENNY in October 2006 from PSBR. I just wanted to tell you that Benny is doing fantastic! We enrolled him into an obedience program with Petopia last year and he passed with flying colours.…
Sometimes, one has the good fortune of meeting that very special dog. Of all the dogs over a lifetime, he may not be the one who is with you the longest, is the best obedience or working dog, or even the one you loved the most. But he is by far the one who made…
June 2008 Gus is SUCH a suck and he has become my shadow. He and my other little rescue shih tzu/poodle cross (although I’m not completely convinced about the poodle part) are now getting along very well and go absolutely EVERYWHERE we can possibly take them. They have been through obedience classes (Gus will be…
May 2007 Hi – I just wanted to give you an update on Casey and let you know how she is doing in her new home. First, her name is now Sadie…..which she loves and answers to. She is a very sweet, precious girl. She sleeps stretched out next to me in the bed and,…
February 2007 Just though I would give you an update on Brandon. The picture of him was taken with his new coat. He had just had a haircut as he had gotten into a can of paint while I was painting. Never a dull moment with this little guy. He is doing very well. Still…