December 2006

Just a quick note from Hugo aka Donnie.

Just wanted to let you know that all is well with me and my new furever mommy. We have had a few problems getting my sweater on and off. I’ve had to give her sweater training 101. She is very eager to please me and this makes me very happy.

We are dropping in to see my foster mom over the weekend just for a minute to drop something off – I hope I get to see her for kisses. My new mommy brushes me for a while every night and scratches my head while she watches CSI. Personally I think she is hooked on CSI shows.

Last night I gave my new mommy kisses for the first time. She seemed very pleased with the kisses. I have my own bed and blanket which is very cozy and I have a teddy bear toy. I also have rawhide chewy things and some green thing I’m suppose to chew to clean my teeth.

At night I sleep with my new mommy and my side faces the door so I can protect her.

Next week my new mommy is having a girlfriend over and I’m suppose to be very nice to her: apparently she is a wonderful person.

My new mommy says she will likely bring me a gift. I have been receiving gifts in the mail since I’ve arrived – I’m very popular. I have three new jackets one is made of faux fur.

The following week we are very busy going out again. My mommy has asked me to be nice. She has explained being nice is barking in a friendly way not snarling at people. On the whole, people are being very nice to me and I haven’t had to snarl at all. Even the men are nice and talk in little silly voices so I will like them.

We are going to a party in our building next Friday that will be hosted by people who have a Pug who is very friendly. My mommy feels it would be very nice if I like this Pug so we will see what happens on Friday. I will do my best to do the right thing.

On Saturday we are driving to Burlington to visit a friend and drop off gifts. This lady has a big cat. I can’t remember, do I like cats?

We are going to shop at ” The Discerning Dog Store”  my mommy says that we will shop for winter and summer as I’m spending a month in Florida so I will need t-shirts and summer looking collars and leashes.

Well that’s all for now as my mommy has to get to work.

Lots of love,

Hugo aka Donnie